Take a look below at our activity highlights across the summer months.

Date Activity Description
01/07/2024 BICOP 2024 Committee Meeting Meeting to discuss the 2024 British and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics taking place in London in December.
08/07/2024 A trading nation: the export growth plan Scottish Government Meeting Joined webinar for the opportunity to provide feedback on priority international export markets
22/07/2024 BICOP 2024 Committee Meeting Meeting to discuss the 2024 British and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics taking place in London in December.
25/07/2024 Meeting with DSIT Semiconductor Skills Team Discussed skills approaches across the UK and opportunities for future collaboration.
02/08/2024 Quantum Healthcare Summit planning meeting Meeting to discuss the event being planned by the QT and Brain Health ARC projects.
05/08/2024 SPIE Sensors & Imaging Meeting with representatives from SPIE to discuss Technology Scotland events at upcoming meeting in Edinburgh.
09/08/2024 CARLA360 Advisory Board Meeting Meeting of the advisory board to input into the planned career development programmes for manufacturing/industry 4.0
14/08/2024 BICOP 2024 Committee Meeting Meeting to discuss the 2024 British and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics taking place in London in December.
15/08/2024 NMIS 2024 Internships Showcase Attended 2024 showcase with a view to creating a photonics cohort in 2025.
16/08/2024 Photonics update meeting with officials from Scottish Government Regular monthly meeting to discuss photonics sector in Scotland and Photonics Scotland activities.
19/08/2024 Science and Innovation Roundtable with UK Ambassador to Germany, Andrew Mitchell Highlighted opportunities in critical technologies and the need for greater internationalisation support.
20/08/2024 Photonics Scotland Steering Board Regular quarterly meeting. Hosted by Sivers Photonics.
22/08/2024 Quantum Technologies SIG Focussed on Scottish involvement in UK Quantum Programme, including recently announced QT hubs.
27/08/2024 SEAMLESS Project – Final Workshop Final workshop discussing MaaS implementation across Europe.
28/08/2024 Photonics and Quantum Future Skills Group 3rd meeting of this group. Discussions focussed on internship programme and international talent attraction.
29/08/2024 MaaS Scotland Steering Board Regular quarterly meeting.
29/08/2024 Careers talk at Liberton High School Presented photonics sector and raised awareness of career opportunities to Nat5 level physics pupils.