SUSSP81 Summer School in Photonic Sensing and Metrology for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 7th-15th June 2025
SUSSP81 – an international Summer School on Photonic Sensing and Metrology for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to be held at the University of Stirling between Saturday 7th and Sunday 15th June 2025.
The drive towards a sustainable society provides motivation for a change in the way we exploit science and technology for the benefit of the global community. This has been embodied in the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development goals (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment) which identify the key areas where societal, economic, and environmental benefits go hand-in-hand to deliver a better world for all. Photonic sensing and metrology already play a significant role in many of these areas, for example the use of optical diagnostics and treatments in medicine, application of optical sensors for environmental monitoring, and photonics driven advances in efficient energy and manufacturing sectors.
Awareness of the Sustainable Development goals provides researchers with a framework to help direct new areas of study: future photonic sensing and metrology has the potential to play a transformative role in addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals by enabling more precise, real-time monitoring and analysis across a wide range of sectors.
This summer school will bring together leading academic and industrial researchers to deliver agenda-setting lectures and workshops to EngD and PhD doctoral students and early career researchers active in photonics, to help set the direction for future technology leaders.